
Tuesday, June 19, 2012


MY No.1 favourite cocktail is the caipirinha (pronounced kai-pur-een-yah), made from cachaca (pronounced ka-sha-sa), Brazil's national drink. I simply love it. Understatement. How I discovered cachaca and the caipirinha and the lengths to which I went to procure my first bottle with the active involvement of the spouse, is the stuff of another tale. Suffice it to say that when I first read about it in a newspaper column, I was intrigued enough to find out more and instantly knew that I had to have it. 

Though cachaca is popularly referred to as Brazilian rum, there's a subtle difference between the two. At the most you can say they're cousins with a common source of origin - sugarcane. But while cachaca is distilled from fermented sugarcane juice, rum is derived from the molasses left over after the process of sugar production. 

I chilled out with this one after a really tiring day. A fabulous drink to unwind with. 

CAIPIRINHA (Pics by June Carvalho)

For a caipirinha, you need really simple ingredients: ice cubes, lime, sugar and of course, cachaca. Understandably, there are many brands of cachaca, but I use one called Cachaca 51 Pirassununga (because that's the only brand available at my source). Nothing like using Brazilian limes for the drink with their wonderful, refreshing citrus aroma, although some suggest using lemons. But since neither can be found so easily where we live, one can make do with the yellow limes commonly available in our Indian markets, although their skins are not as aromatic as their South American relatives. However, whenever I get a supply of Brazilian limes from an unnamed source, which is fairly often, they're reserved for exclusive use in this cocktail! Psst...there are still a few of them in my fridge... enough for a dozen cocktails...enough to keep me pleasantly drunk and happy until the next lot (of limes) arrives around end of July and to anyone else who'd care to drop in and have a drink with me, it's always happy hour!

What you need for 1 serving:
  • 1/2 a Brazilian lime, cut in quarters
  • 2 teaspoons granulated sugar
  • Ice cubes
  • 60 ml cachaca
In an old-fashioned glass, muddle the lime with sugar to release the juice and essential oils from the skins of the lime. Fill glass with ice cubes. Pour cachaca over. Swirl. Now sip! 

If you don't have cachaca, use vodka to make a caipiroska. If you use a light rum, I'm told it's called a caipirissima!

Reduce sugar if you prefer it less sweet. 


jacqueline rebello said...

My fav cocktail...had it at your place in May, June !! :)

June said...

Yours too?

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