WHILE on our way to Kovalam beach last month, we made a pit stop at this little wayside place called BRITISH RESTAURANT for a glass of steaming hot tea. Yes, a glass of tea, as against a cup of tea because it is invariably served in glasses in these thattukadas of Kerala. Practical. No frills and fuss.
Since I was keen to have tea in no other place than a thattukada, we stopped here. The tea was good as it always is in these thattukadas, sometimes with a smoky flavour...I remember that from previous visits.
A fairly good part of Asokan's early life was spent in the UK, and hence the name of his little eatery. However, the British influence ends there, because the food served here is typically Kerala fare. Apart from English which he speaks fluently, he claims to have a knowledge of Italian and French as well.
British Restaurant is on Facebook and at the time of our visit boasted about 750 'Likes'.
We were quite amused by the signboard which read KERALA MELAS. It's from there that I was inspired use KERALA MELA as the title of my Kerala trip photo album that I've shared on Facebook.
2nd para, 2nd sentence - The tea* :)
Thanks....I stand corrected.:)
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